We All Need A Little Hope Sometimes – Here It Is!
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We All Need A Little Hope Sometimes – Here It Is!

Being in the non-profit field is not an easy path. It takes a lot of fortitude, commitment, and a super strong belief in the cause with which you’ve aligned your self and your soul. Over the years, I’ve referred to this poster (shown above). It’s taped on the wall in my office and sometimes I…

Two Little Words Can Start A Shift
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Two Little Words Can Start A Shift

You may think it’s common sense. But, you would be surprised at how many non-profit organizations use these two words so sparingly, they’re hardly being uttered. Certainly, they’re not being said enough. Those two words are, Thank You! When we get our fundraising hats on, get our plans out and start plotting our outreach efforts,…

I’m A Fundraiser Because
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I’m A Fundraiser Because

Many of us in fundraising didn’t come here naturally. I started my career in sales, an artist’s rep for commercial photographers. I loved that job, not only because I was able to surround myself with incredibly creative people, but also because I loved creating relationships. Our clients were important to us for repeat business, no…

Try Visualization With Your Students
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Try Visualization With Your Students

Now that school is well underway, how can we set our students up for success? How can we make THIS year feel differently to them, more directed, more hopeful? This doesn’t have to be just another year. Yes, they’ll meet new friends, they’ll get into a daily routine of study, moving between classes, after school…